
Welcome to my site!

My very first blog!  Let me start by sharing that blogging is so outside my comfort zone that I feel like a different person just typing this.  But here I am, because I have so much to share that if I didn’t step outside that comfort zone, I would not only be letting myself down, but so many others that could potentially benefit from what I have learned.  So here goes!

First a little about me:  I am a registered pharmacist actively working in Gallatin, TN.  I have been working as a pharmacist for 19 years now.  I absolutely LOVE my coworkers/ friends and my patients.  I am always trying to find healthy alternatives to help myself and others live their best lives.  Isn’t living your best life what it’s all about??

My family comes first.  I have a wonderful, supportive husband and 3 beautiful sons.  They are my pride and joy and my “why”!  So if I don’t respond immediately it is usually because I am very serious about quality time with those who matter most.  I try to unplug several times daily to ensure that that quality time happens regularly.

After immediate family, my extended family means the world to me.  My mom and I have become very close in my adult years and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.  My dad is a huge part of my life who helps me see things from a different perspective.  My brother and his wife and kids are so important to me.  My brother and I are becoming very close and I love having him in my life more and more.  I value my relationships with my family so much.  Each person has a positive effect on my life and they teach me new things constantly.

Ok enough mushy stuff!  I am beginning a journey of healthy living and I want to share as things happen daily.  Hopefully I can inspire others to start on this path with me.  If I can just help one person it will be absolutely worth it!

So to start my journey let me tell you about how I quit drinking soft drinks.  This was my first step and I know it isn’t much, but it put me on the right path.  I was absolutely dependent on a very popular yellow soft drink that so many drink daily.  It was loaded with sugar and had more caffeine that most other soft drinks.  I was miserable if I didn’t have at least a can a day.  Fast forward 2 weeks and I can’t tell you how much better I feel without it!  I started drinking water- 8ounces with 1 drop of wild orange essential oil three times a day.  After the first day I didn’t even want the soft drink!  I admittedly had a headache the first 2 days without it but it wasn’t as severe as it had been in the past and I had so much more energy!  I decided I needed to look further into this essential oil lifestyle.

I admittedly didn’t know much about essential oils before trying this.  I am very skeptical by nature and it just sounded like another gimmick for others to make money on people looking to try to treat themselves rather than seeing a healthcare professional.  I rolled my eyes when my husband brought home samples that a client of his gave him.  I told him I would try them but secretly just “knew” they wouldn’t work.  Until I actually tried them.  I just had to know more and did some research.

To be continued…

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